Choicebook wants your opinion

Is a survey still a survey if you call it something else?

The CRTC wants your opinion about TV in Canada. Will you pay more? Do you want the Internet regulated?

Visit Choicebook to have your say.

“Canadians like to watch television and for many of them, the way they do so is changing. More and more people are watching their favourite shows on their cable or satellite company’s on-demand service, over the Internet and on tablets and smartphones. The way Canadians think about—and even interact with—television is clearly not the same today as it was just a few years ago. At the CRTC, we want to make sure that the television system meets the needs of Canadians – as citizens, creators and consumers. We understand that the system has to adapt to remain healthy, continue to offer different kinds of programming and be responsive to Canadians’ expectations over the coming years.”

But do it soon. Choicebook closes on March 14, 2014.

My take: it’s in your best interest to invest the time to let the CRTC know what you’re thinking.

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