Lightning strikes twice in Victoria!

Telefilm Canada has just released the results of their Micro-Budget Production Program competition for this year.

And the staggering news is that lightning has struck twice in Victoria, BC! (Three times if you include Maureen Bradley from last year.)

Congratulations to these winning teams:

  • The Devout, by Connor Gaston (director) and Daniel Hogg (producer)
  • Shadow in the Woods, by Jeremy Lutter (director and producer) and Robin Chan (producer)

Along with the other 13 winning teams, these filmmakers will share $1.5 million to produce their first features. That’s approximately $100K each.

My take: when CineVic was overlooked as one of the recommending partners last year, we lobbied to be included. So I feel very gratified now that Victoria has been so fortunate. You’re welcome, guys! (Disclosure: I sit on the CineVic Board of Directors.)

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