The decline of the web series

James Rawson writes in The Guardian that the web series is dying.

After recapping the successes of 2013 he laments:

“This year has seen no exciting steps forward for the medium, no breakthrough talents that have taken the web by storm, and no moneyed producers are making serious investments in the previously hyped new format. Apart from a few established talents and series that have managed to sustain themselves with a hard-won fan base, everyone else seems to have packed their bags and gone home.”

The reason why? The rise of Pro Streamers:

“With the rising popularity of Netflix and Amazon Prime, the distinction between online viewing and television has disappeared. Three years ago, if you were filming a drama to be streamed online, it’s likely that your main competition was going to be a home video of a cat with a French voiceover. Now, it’s Kevin Spacey in House of Cards, or a rebooted Arrested Development. The idea that low production values or a slightly unpolished script will be forgiven because a show is online no longer holds any sway. Combine that with the fact that advertising revenue simply isn’t reliable enough to guarantee creators will break even on their series, never mind make a profit, and the format seems increasingly unattractive.”

My take: On one hand, I was going to say, “The thing about the Internet is that it’s a huge desert and it can take hard work to find content that truly speaks to you. Pro Streamers and other content curators are building sustaining oases in that desert and operating lively bazaars there. They’re building markets. As an indie filmmaker, it’s very difficult or almost impossible to create that network effort by yourself.” On the other hand, yes, it’s tough and the competition is fierce. But never before have we had so many tools at hand. Have faith, work hard and believe the cream always rises to the top. Confession: I’d heard vaguely of The Guild but didn’t seek it out and watch it until I found it on Netflix.



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