Indie films to grace screens across Canada

Something exciting is percolating: Media Events International (MEI Group) and A71 Entertainment Launch New Canadian Indie Film Series.

The plan is to bring independent Canadian film to 17 screens across the country as “Canadian Indie Night” the first Wednesday of every month beginning in March 2015.

Chad Maker, President of A71 Entertainment, says:

“The goal of the series is to provide audiences and film fans with wider access to the growing number of internationally recognized indie films that are being produced in this country. There’s a new breed of extremely talented storytellers emerging in Canada and this series has the ability to celebrate and promote them to audiences across the country.”

My take: this is a bold venture! There’s nothing better than seeing your movie on the big screen — even if it’s a one day run. Reminds me of my series Toronto Film Now at the Bloor Cinema back in the day. The trick will be to get “bums in seats” as they say in the biz. I’ll be watching this one!

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