“Live Cinema” to go live tomorrow night

A cinematic first is happening in London and the United States tomorrow night.

Woody Harrelson is directing his first feature film, Lost in London. It’s a film he wrote and stars in.

But what’s particularly notable is that this film will be the first to be streamed directly into theatres in real time, while it’s being shot.

Woody’s friends are telling him that’s a bad idea.

Entertainment Weekly has interviewed him:

“EW: What’s the closest comparison between this and something else you’ve done?

WH: Holy moly, I’ve never done anything where I felt like this. I guess a comparison might be Saturday Night Live. That’s like doing live theater, though you have commercial breaks. But to do it 100 minutes in a row with no break? Yeah, it might be accurate to call this insanity.”

The show starts at 6 p.m. on January 19, 2017 (9 p.m. on the West coast) at over 600 theatres.

My take: I applaud Woody for the audacity to try this. With 14 locations, it’s not a filmed stage play. But with no editing possible, the acting and cinematography need to be excellent. He knows there was post-production on Russian Ark, right? Must be watching too much Periscope Live 360 or something.

1 thought on ““Live Cinema” to go live tomorrow night

  1. Pingback: Woody Harrelson: live cinema pioneer | Michael Korican Thinks

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