Half of Canadians have 5 or more connected devices: CIRA

CIRA, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority, has just released Canada’s Internet Factbook 2018.

Blue vivid image of globe and space tin can

With over 2.8 million registered domains, CIRA manages the names of websites ending in .ca . As such, it has its (Canadian) finger on the pulse of the Internet. Some of the insights are very telling:

  • Nearly 90% of Canadians use the internet.
  • 86% of Canadians have a broadband internet connection at home.
  • 72% of Canadians use a mobile device to access the internet.
  • 52% of Canadian households have five or more internet-connected devices.
  • 66% of Canadians spend at least 1 hour online per day watching TV/movies/video.
  • 77% of Canadians use Facebook.
  • 53% of Canadians subscribe to Netflix.
  • 14% of Canadians often/always seek out Canadian content.
  • 79% of Canadians want Canadian internet service providers/online service companies to invest in building up internet infrastructure inside Canada.

See the infographic.

My take: Thank goodness for the Domain Name System because before 1985 servers only had IP addresses; it would be four years before Tim Berners-Lee would create the World Wide Web.

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