Vinyl records: vestiges of physical media

Ethan Millman reports on Rolling Stone that Bandcamp Will Make Vinyl Records For You.

This is significant because now purchasers will fund the pressing, instead of artists needing to pay money upfront:

“The new Bandcamp Vinyl Pressing Service streamlines the financing, production, and fulfillment of vinyl records. With no up-front investment, you can create a vinyl campaign and start taking orders almost immediately. Reach your goal, and we press your records and ship them to your fans.”

Records are perhaps the only analogue media format that persists in the digital age. This could be because audiophiles believe the sound is “warmer” and hipsters have embraced the ritual of taking a record out, putting it on a turntable, dropping the needle on a physical piece of PVC and studying the record jacket as sound emanates from a hi-fi.

Of note, BBC newsbeat claims cassettes are making a comeback as well, having doubled sales in the last year. Compact Cassettes!

My take: I think the resurgence of vinyl is important to indie filmmakers for two reasons. One, how about releasing your soundtrack on vinyl? You get that beautiful album cover for your poster. Two, folks like to collect things and hold them in their hands. For filmmakers this might mean selling your movie as DVDs or Blu-rays. I think we can all agree VHS is truly obsolete though, right?

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