
The Department of Canadian Heritage has launched consultations on how to strengthen the creation, discovery and export of Canadian content in a digital world.

Minister Mélanie Joly proclaims:

“As a government, we are proud to support Canadian culture. But we want to do it well. We’re launching a national dialogue on Canadian content; one that will help us adapt our cultural policies to today’s digital realities. Tell us what’s important to you. Share your ideas to help Canada thrive in a digital world. And to allow people across the country and around the world to keep discovering what makes our culture and creators so great.”

At stake is billions dollars that Heritage Canada uses to fund culture in Canada. Its portfolio includes things like the CBC, the NFB, Telefilm Canada, the Canada Council and the CRTC, among many others.

The consultations stem from an April announcement when Joly told The Globe and Mail: “Everything is on the table.”

There are many ways to take part:

  1. You can post your idea.
  2. You can post your public event.
  3. You can upload a submission.
  4. You can host your own event.

See the results of the pre-consultations and the expert advisory group.

My take: kudos to Minister Joly for showing some leadership on media, arts and culture in a digital age. Discoverability and monetization are the two biggest issues facing all artists, Canadian or otherwise, on the web. Time will tell if this consultation results in mere ripples in the pond or a massive tidal wave of change. (I used to be a part-owner of Tidal Wave Productions.) My advice: get involved if you want to see the status quo challenged!

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