Netflix Canada begs filmmakers to pitch them

Tomorrow is the deadlineWednesday, August 5, 2020 at 8:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. That’s 5:00 PM on the West Coast, folks.

What deadline? The deadline to submit your pitches to Netflix Canada.

“Netflix is proud to help bring Canadian stories to the world. We are continuing our search to discover amazing stories from both seasoned storytellers and undiscovered talent all over Canada. Diverse and underrepresented stories told authentically are important to us.”

They are looking for these projects:

  1. Nonfiction Series
  2. Original Animation
  3. Original Series
  4. Original Independent Film

They provide very clear instructions as to what and how to present. They’ll be back in touch in September to follow up with the creators of the projects that pique their fancy. Good luck!

My take: You will never get a better chance to put your project in front of decision makers at Netflix Canada. Health-wise, BC and Canada look pristine when compared to film production centres in the US. Kudos to Netflix for supporting Canadian voices, all the while ensuring product continues to be made, especially as the world binge watches the time away. Got a project? You’ve still got time to get it into shape and pitch it. Just do it.

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