Jourdan Aldredge notes on No Film School of Sony Testing Real-Time Cameraless Production for New Ghostbuster Movie.
He writes:
“Sony Pictures Technologies has unveiled its latest developments in real-time game engine technology with this new proof-of-concept project…. Its “cameraless” virtual production style… intends to allow developers to use this real-time game engine to produce a scene live on a motion capture set.”
Jason Reitman, who wrote and directed the two-minute scene in one day, says:
“I love filmmaking in real places with real actors. So for me, this is not a substitute. If I were to make Juno again today, I would make Juno exactly the same way. What I see here, what thrills me, is if I wanted to make a movie like Juno that took place in ancient Rome, I wouldn’t be able to do that because it would cost $200 million to make Juno. And that’s not cost effective. There’s no studio who would sign up for that. You can make Ghostbusters for a lot of money, but you can’t make an independent film in an unexpected location. You can’t make an independent film underwater, on the moon or, you know, a thousand years ago or into the future, and what thrills me about it is the possibility of independent filmmakers who want to tell their kind of stories, but in environments that they don’t have access to with characters that they don’t have access to, and the possibility of getting a whole new wave of stories that you could read in a book, but you would never actually get in a film.”
My take: While I agree with Jason Reitman that this technology is promising, I think their finished scene is underwhelming. It’s just not believable. For instance, the folks on the sidewalks are obviously from a video game. The traffic is not real world either. And the actor is not human; he’s a marshmallow! However, this might be where superhero comic book movies are going: totally computer-generated, with the faces of the stars composited onto the quasi-lifelike animation. (My nightmare situation: those faces and voices are AI generated from scans and recordings!)