Apple Log Tips

Full Time Filmmaker on YouTube recently released “The Secret Formula for Cinematic iPhone Videos“.

In it he reveals the following:

  1. Record in ProRes Log on an iPhone 15 Pro at 4K 30. He says, “4K 24 especially at ProRes Log just looks kind of choppy.”
  2. In Settings, change to “Most Compatible” from “High Efficiency” and lock the white balance.
  3. Turn on Exposure Adjustment and set it to .7. He says, “If your highlights are blown out it’s going to be a lot harder to actually bring that detail back once you go into color grading.”
  4. Use the main 1X lens under adequate lighting, avoiding top-down noon sunlight. Try angling the light on the opposite side of the subject. He says, “The lighting is probably the most important element actually in making those cameras look good.”
  5. Use the Grid to help create interesting compositions and make sure your camera movement is motivated.
  6. In the edit, convert the Log footage with a Color Space Transform into Rec 709 and colour grade as usual.
  7. Use Halation to lend the footage the characteristic film highlights glow and use a plugin called RSMB to add motion blur.

An excellent video!

My take: Davinci Resolve 19 Studio has just come out with a Film Look Creator effect!

It seems like you’ll still want to add some motion blur, which you can do in Davinci Resolve:

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