Enter Pitch 360 at Merging Media 2013

You have until 5 p.m. on Monday, September 30, to enter Pitch 360 at this year’s Merging Media fourth annual conference in Vancouver.

Twelve contestants will then compete on Thursday, November 7, at the Creative BC Pitch Parlour by pitching their concepts for cross-media or transmedia projects in development. They are looking for:

“…a cross‐media property that ‘crosses­-over’ into at least one other medium e.g. a multi-platform story that extends onto more than one platform, a television series with mobile App, a webseries with a mobile game element, an e-book with an Alternate Reality Game etc.”

Up for grabs is $10,000. If you live on the right side of the tracks, you might also qualify for an additional $5,000 from Telus.

Note: you need to be based in Western Canada and there is a $75 fee if you’re chosen to pitch.

My take: of course, if you’re developing a cross-media or transmedia project, you must enter!


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