Crowdfunding campaign design tips

Indiegogo has released a 30-page resource called ‘Crowdfunding for Film Handbook.’

Sections include:

Preparing your campaign
Creating your campaign
Launching your campaign – and keeping momentum
Wrapping it up
Dos and Don’ts

The insights are invaluable. For instance, have a $25 perk because that’s the most popular level. Also, consider your overall strategy:

“A key thing to remember is that you can always overfund, and many do! In fact, 89% of campaigns on Indiegogo do just that, and by an average of 30%. The philosophy is simple: “Shoot low, aim high” – set a goal at an achievable amount, look to hit that number in half the time, and then “aim high” and surpass it by the time the campaign closes.”

My take: download this and study it. The takeaways will save you time and money. And the price is right!

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