New International Digital Media Co-Production Guide

‘International Digital Media Co-Production, A Guide for Canadian Companies’ commissioned by Interactive Ontario, is now available on the CMF Trends web site.

The guide is a survey of current best practices with a focus on Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the European Union. It provides a detailed overview of the mediascape in each country and lists various funding sources.

The guide also suggests and discusses ten steps to finding an international partner for digital projects:

  1. Travel to Markets, Festivals and Conferences
  2. Develop Existing Relationships
  3. Look to potential U.S. partners
  4. Pursue distribution contacts
  5. Get help from the Embassies
  6. Don’t rush the relationship
  7. Research stakeholders
  8. Find the money first
  9. Meet producers when they come to Canada
  10. Think about more than money

My take: Thinking globally, acting locally makes sense in the digital realm. This guide illustrates some of the nitty gritty involved in making that a reality.


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