Product placement for the rest of us

You need some sunglasses, shoes or scotch whisky for your up-coming film.

You could go out and buy it, or you could jump into the world of product placement and get it for free.

Once only the purview of Hollywood or network TV and large advertising agencies, product placement is now within every production’s reach through

It’s the brainchild of Murray Ashton, who says:

“Brandplacer aims to disrupt the product placement marketplace by simply making it available to everyone anywhere. I launched Brandplacer to change how productions worldwide (big and small) connect with brands, products and services through product placement from Hollywood to the local community.”

As continues to build its — brand — the service is free to both brands and filmmakers. Currently there are 28 brands and 12 productions listed. Brands include products ranging from sunglasses, shoes and scotch, to underwear and beer, among others. Productions range from theatre to shorts to features and hail from New Zealand, USA, the UK and India, to name a few countries.

The website has already facilitated successful brand placements.

My take: I had a similar idea six or seven years ago, so I’m happy someone has taken a stab at making it real. In my opinion, could be huge, listing thousands of brands and thousands of productions. It truly could be “product placement for everyone.” If you own a brand, consider signing up to get it placed today.

Disclaimer: I have a production listed on my feature U.S. 66.

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