California: a new studio and renewed tax credits

Two new developments out of California recently:

As reported by Variety, the state Assembly has renewed the film and television tax credit scheme. No work yet on how much money will be allocated but big-budget features and TV series will now qualify.

“California’s current incentive program provides $100 million per year for tax credits, but that money is well short of demand. Proponents of expanding the program have often pointed to the need to at least be competitive with New York, which offers about $420 million per year in its program.”

As reported by Backstage, a new studio plans to make a dozen million dollar pictures each year.

“Thunder [Funder] plans to accept 500 submissions — which should consist of a sizzle reel, script, treatment, and, if possible, budget — per six-month period, of which 12 will be shortlisted. The studio’s lofty goal is to produce 12 of its 24 shortlisted projects each year. To put that in context, Disney released a dozen films in 2013.”

My take: California wants to keep more production in the state. Interestingly, these developments are at either end of the spectrum.