Crowdfunding campaign design tips

Indiegogo has released a 30-page resource called ‘Crowdfunding for Film Handbook.’

Sections include:

Preparing your campaign
Creating your campaign
Launching your campaign – and keeping momentum
Wrapping it up
Dos and Don’ts

The insights are invaluable. For instance, have a $25 perk because that’s the most popular level. Also, consider your overall strategy:

“A key thing to remember is that you can always overfund, and many do! In fact, 89% of campaigns on Indiegogo do just that, and by an average of 30%. The philosophy is simple: “Shoot low, aim high” – set a goal at an achievable amount, look to hit that number in half the time, and then “aim high” and surpass it by the time the campaign closes.”

My take: download this and study it. The takeaways will save you time and money. And the price is right!

Crowdfunding 101

This past week I had the pleasure of attending Ian MacKenzie’s Crowdfunding 101 seminar at the Victoria Event Centre.

I particularly liked how Ian positioned crowdfunding as part of a shift from the traditional economy to the ‘gift’ economy.

Scarcity -> Interdependence
Copyright -> Creative Commons
Closed -> Open

Ian believes we have to stop asking ourselves, “How can I make money?” and instead ask, “In a time of transition — how can I be of service?”


Get ready and build your fan base:

  1. Open a PayPal account.
  2. Create a website with a newsletter signup using MailChimp.
  3. Open a Twitter account.
  4. Create a Facebook page for the project.

Determine your goal, realizing 30% will come from your direct network.

Choose five to ten rewards; be creative and personal.

  1. $10 – minimum – thanks
  2. $25 – most popular – digital download
  3. $50 – DVD or other physical merchandise
  4. $75 – minimum for T-shirts
  5. Have some big ticket rewards for folks that fall in love with your project.

Create your Pitch Video.

  1. Be direct and state what you need.
  2. Explain the context, describe the impact the project will have and explain how it will unfold.
  3. Be authentic and interesting; humour with heart works well.
  4. Don’t be longer than four minutes, too vague or not appear in the video.


Spread the word!

  1. Send a newsletter announcing the campaign.
  2. Tweet as much as you want.
  3. Update your Facebook page daily.
  4. Tap into aligned networks.
  5. Tap mainstream media.

Add weekly update videos to the campaign.

Get excited as the deadline approaches.


Do what you said you would.

Fulfill the rewards.

Continue to post updates.

See Ian’s list of three dozen crowdfunding platforms at