NSI Drama Prize Deadline: November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012, is the next deadline for the NSI’s Drama Prize.

“NSI Drama Prize is an ambitious training course for producer/writer/director teams looking to make their first or second dramatic short. It provides emerging filmmakers with a year of professional support and training in the various stages of filmmaking while they develop and produce a short film (maximum of 10 minutes in length). Up to four teams of aspiring Canadian filmmakers will be selected.”

If successful, you will:

  • “work with an experienced story editor to polish your script;
  • receive customized training delivered by industry experts in writing, directing and producing;
  • receive up to $10,000 in cash to go toward making your film;
  • receive approximately $20,000 in services to go toward making your film which includes equipment, film stock, post-production facilities, closed captioning, insurance, legal counsel;
  • receive air travel and accommodation costs to attend the week-long bootcamp in Winnipeg;
  • explore the world of social media marketing, transmedia and multi-platform strategies and find out how they can extend your personal brand, generate buzz for your film, help you fundraise and expand your audience; and
  • receive access to an established industry professional who will act as your mentor, offering advice, expertise and support.”

The entry fee is $100. If your project is selected, each team member then needs to cough up $1,500 for tuition.

So is it worth it?


Your $100 gets you thinking seriously about your project.

Your $3,000 – $4,500 tuition gets you $10K in cash, $20K in services, lots of training and networking.

My advice? If you have a project you’re passionate about, apply with a two person team. (Keep in mind the Producer and Director cannot be the same person.)

Hey, it’s only $50 a head and you’ll whip your project into shape.

And if you’re not selected, just shoot it anyway with the money you would’ve spent on tuition!