How would you redesign Copyright?

Copyright is a 350-year-old legal concept at the heart of the financial exploitation of most creative works.

Open Media International wants to know how you would revise copyright law. They’re hosting an innovative interactive website you can use to let them know how you feel.

“Whenever you share, create, or collaborate, you are working with copyright rules. These rules, codified in law, increasingly shape what you can and cannot do both online and offline. They influence how creators are supported, the options for expression online, and how we participate in society. We’re setting out a participatory process to develop a crowdsourced vision for copyright rules that work for everyone in the 21st century — ‘Your Digital Future.'”

It’s fun, thought-provoking and easy-to-use. Check it out today.

My take: to me, compensating for copyright and the right to copy in a digital age should be easy. See my two minute short on the subject. After all, the Internet logs every hit by design. It shouldn’t be that difficult to build on that.