Bell Media jumps into SVOD pool with CraveTV

Launching tomorrow, Bell Media‘s SVOD offering, codenamed Project Latte, will be called CraveTV.

CraveTV will go head to head with category leader Netflix and newcomer Showmi with three distinctive differences:

  • It’s TV only
  • It has lots of exclusive content
  • It’s the cheapest of the three at $4 per month.

The catch?

You might not be able to get it just yet. From the CTV Insider:

“With an objective of getting CraveTV into as many Canadian homes as possible, Bell Media has offered the service to all TV providers. Previously, Bell Media announced distribution partnerships for CraveTV with TELUS Optik TV, Bell Fibe TV, Bell Aliant FibreOP TV, and Bell Satellite TV at launch. Today, Bell Media confirmed that Eastlink is the latest distribution partner for CraveTV and will make the service available at launch, while Northwestel and other Canadian Cable Systems Alliance (CCSA) members will also provide the service soon.”

No word on when (or if) it will come to Rogers or Shaw subscribers.

My take: great price point! The TV only slant plays right into the binge viewing habits of cocooning Canadians. Launching just as winter hits ensures thousands, if not millions, of homes will check it out over the next quarter. This could boost next year’s revenue handsomely.