Nestflix catalogs the films within films

Mimicking Netflix, Nestflix is a new website by web designer Lynn Fisher.

“Fictional movies within movies? Got ‘em. Fake shows within shows? You bet. Browse our selection of over 400 stories within stories.”

Just launched on August 11, 2021, Lynn has already received a ton of new submissions!

Ian Carlos Campbell writes in The Verge:

“It’s a fascinating look at how self-referential most modern film and TV is (there are a lot of fake sequels), but also how ingrained Netflix’s content strategy and interface are in our culture generally. It’s one thing to cut away to a scene from a fake movie or show during a comedy, but it’s a whole other thing to have it packaged up with stills, art, and metadata like it’s ready to stream. It doesn’t make any of the fake movies or shows feel more real, but it does make them funny all over again.”

My take: My latest project has a dozen films within a film. And one of those has a film within a film within a film. That’s the Wes Anderson episode, natch.