One Year Later

Steve Jobs died one year ago today.

I’ve been using Mac computers for over 20 years. Sure the hardware’s gotten faster and cheaper every five years. But what I truly appreciate is all the Mac software I’ve explored and mastered. Among them:

  • FileMaker Pro introduced me to databases and remains one of the easiest, user-friendly and most powerful database applications out there.
  • HyperCard was a visionary blending of multimedia and programming.
  • Final Cut Pro took me from the analogue film world to the digital video realm.
  • iDVD helped me create beautiful DVDs of my work.
  • GarageBand released my inner rock star.

My hope is that Steve’s vision will remain intact and that Apple will continue to “Think Different”. I hope that in its quest to become a media empire it doesn’t forget about all the independent creators toiling away on their Macs.

Thank you, Steve, for the tools to unleash my creativity.

See Apple’s memorial video for Steve Jobs.