Netflix reveals viewership data

Catie Keck, reporting for The Verge from this year’s Code Confernece, reveals that Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s Chief Content Officer, shared “Top 10” data from the notoriously tight-lipped streamer.

Netflix Top Series and Films by Hours Watched in their first four weeks:

Netflix Top Series and Films by Number of Accounts in their first four weeks:

When we do some back-of-the-envelope math on Bridgerton: Season 1, we can compare the number of people who watched by hour with the number of accounts that clicked through.

The first season’s eight episodes totalled 8.1667 hours in length. 625M hours viewed divided by 8.1667 hours per season equals 76.53M seasons viewed.

82M accounts watched at least two minutes (which seems like a very low threshold to count though.) 76.5M and 82M are relatively close.

Call it 76.5M seasons per account. With my totally unscientific guesstimate of three viewers per account, I figure 230M people watched Bridgerton, which is twice as many as the largest Super Bowl viewership ever.

My take: what is most surprising to me is that I’ve only seen around half of these titles.