CineCoup offers $1M plus theatrical release

CineCoup is back!

The film accelerator that brought us Wolf Cop last year has another ‘$1 Million Dollars’ in production funds and a Cineplex Odeon theatrical release up for grabs. Get ready to pitch and work your butts off:

“This time we’re challenging filmmakers to go high concept and create projects that can connect with larger audiences. We’re looking for genre films with franchise potential like action, horror, thriller, sci-fi, and comedy (or documentaries that deal with pop culture tropes such as King of Kong, Indie Game: The Movie, Trekkies, etc.) and we know Canada’s got the good stuff so bring it on!”

Launch your three-person team on Monday, February 9, 2015. After 12 weeks of team challenges beginning in mid-March, at least one project will be greenlit at the Banff World Media Festival in June.

My take: if you have a franchise-ready action, horror, thriller, sci-fi or comedy feature ready to roll AND you have three months free to complete weekly challenges AND you have a large online following AND you like working in public AND you truly believe your concept is the best in the country, then go for it! What do you have to lose?

Victoria represents at Storyhive!

Following up on my recent post about Storyhive, here’s a list of all the projects from Victoria, B.C.:

Best of luck, everyone!

My take: If you think of projects as stores, these would be funky shops in a fashion-forward mall. Indy films would be independent retailers. TV offerings would be chain stores. Hollywood fare would be big box stores. Ask yourself, where do you like to shop for your entertainment?