Europe moves to protect VoD

As reported on Screen Daily, the European Commission is proposing that one of out five titles on Video on Demand platforms be European.

“The updated Audiovisual Directive will enforce VoD platforms such as Netflix to ensure at least a 20% share of European content in their catalogues. The new proposals will also give the possibility for the EU member states to impose financial contributions upon on-demand services to the production and rights acquisition of European works.”

The new rules are outlined in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD), under clause three: Promotion of European Works.

My take: it’s about time. Quotas work to establish a domestic industry. Just see how successful CanCom has been for Canadian music and television. With this measure, the Europeans are ending the free ride for VoD services. Too bad we don’t have the guts to enact this and movie screen quotas in Canada.