Bite TV comedy web series deadline: April 15, 2013

Toronto’s Bite TV is looking for the next hit web series and has launched the Bite TV Comedy Web Series Competition.

“If you are a comedy creator, digital content developer, producer or just someone with a great idea we want to hear from you! This is your chance to get a development deal to produce a comedy web series pilot for”

Up to 100 lucky people can upload a 5-minute video pitch for their comedy web series idea. Three finalists will be invited to pitch in person in May.

Your pitch should answer these questions:

  • Who are you?
  • Who is your audience?
  • Have you already established an audience/fan base?
  • Where did the idea come from?
  • Why should Bite pick you?

The deadline is Monday, April 15, 2013. See for the application form.

My take: Here’s another example of the expanding mediascape. No longer are development deals only for movies and TV. If you’ve got a comedy thing happening, read the legal details and consider this.