Victoria Restaurant Reviews

Willows Galley

Restaurant Type: Fish & Chips Price: $ Rating: * * *
Address or Location: 2559 Estevan Avenue, Victoria
Phone: 598-2711

Review: At the risk of starting a fish (and chips) war in Victoria, I think the Willows Galley makes the best fish and chips in the city. Perhaps it¼s their proximity of the ocean, but nothing beats strolling down to Willows Beach with a serving of deep fried haddock and golden french fries wrapped in paper. The succulent, moist fish is cooked to order in canola oil in a separate fryer from the tender, fresh potatoes. (They will also do a burger if you insist.)

The Willows Galley is located in Estevan, North Oak Bay, on the Oak Bay Explorer bus route.

Reviewed by: Michael Korican (

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Created: February 22, 1997