The Main Characters
MARTIN: Martin Walchak is to be perceived as the least special person alive. He does not stand out as better as or worse than any average Joe. He is cynical about life, but too comfortable to do anything about it.
CHASE: Martin's best friend in his entire school career. He is fun loving, cheerful, and mildly sarcastic. In life he was strong in will and now, in death, his body reflects his spirit.
ALCONOST: Lady Alconost is a Herald: a messenger spirit from the heavens. Her attitude is cold, her method is efficient, and she is strong in her convictions. Her heightened sense of loyalty initially meant she did not question her superiors.
SIRIN: Lady Sirin was also a Herald along side her sister Alconost, until her sister joined the Voidwalkers. Disapproving of the alliance with demons, she questioned authority and was cast out from grace due to her defiance. Upon her return, Sirin is filled with rage against the hypocrisies of 'the system'.
LORD NEMIAN: Lord Nemian is the Spirit of Courage of heroes and warriors. While mythology states that he was defeated by Heracles and worn as a pelt, in truth, Heracles passed Lord Nemian's test and Lord Nemian entered his heart. Lord Nemian carries a noble demeanor about him, but can also be ferocious in his charge.
LORD BAPHOMET: Lord Baphomet is horror incarnate. He is mostly silent, dark and cunning. His evil does not overpower his intelligence however. He is loyal to the alliance of Voidwalkers.
LORD HESAM: On the council of Voidwalkers, Lord Hesam represents Mankind. He is a man of Babylonian descent who trusts in his senses, even the sixth and seventh ones. His soft and cheerful disposition is matched only by his immeasurable skills on the battlefield.
JACKALOUPE: Jackaloupe, or Jack, is a chimera, an unholy amalgamation of beasts from Hell. His flesh is nearly rotting off of his massive body, and his brain might as well be rotten in his horned skull. When bound to someone in service, he fights for them blindly, often putting himself recklessly into harms way for his master.