Seeing is Feeling

About 'Seeing is Feeling'
Ernest Warnielius
Tracey Roath
Graham Butler, the Writer
Michael Korican's Filmography
One to Eleven
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Seeing is Feeling

Official Selection SHORT CIRCUITThis sixteen minute drama directed by Michael Korican is one of the films that comprise the omnibus film 'One to Eleven'.

Monsier Doiron is a shut-in, too afraid of others to leave his apartment. He wards off loneliness by eyeing the neighbours that pass by his peep-hole and by dreaming about sight-seeing in Europe. But his vision doesn't remain perfect forever, and the onset of an eye condition forces Doiron to seek out help so that his world of voyeuristic comfort doesn't collapse entirely.

'Seeing is Feeling' stars Ernest Warnielius and Tracey Roath and was written by Graham Butler.

Watch 'Seeing is Feeling' on Vimeo (720p) or Youtube (360p).